February 2024 Newsletter 55
By Bob Osborn, SV Pandora, President SDSA
Getting ready for your big adventure? The Dawgs can help.
As I sit here aboard Pandora for a winter of cruising in the Caribbean, I am reminded of the years of preparation before we were ready to head south on our first big run, trying to think of what equipment to have on board, what could wait due to budget limitations and even if we had the right boat.
I had many questions but really did not know where to turn to get the information that I needed in preparation for our fall departure in 2012. The longest run I had made at that point was the overnight run to Maine from Long Island Sound, and vacations aboard limited to a few weeks.
As the time approached when I would retire, I considered “what next” and realized that I did not have access to many cruisers who had spent real time aboard. And, to make matters worse, most of our friends at our yacht club were repelled by the thought of living on a small boat for months at a time. Not a lot of actionable help from that set.
Wondering where your cruising buddies have got to? Want to find out who is already at your next destination?
Click here to view our Member Map. This map uses AIS trackers to plot Salty Dawg members around the world. Plan your next Happy Hour, or check out who is headed for the Panama Canal!
Member Map is only available to SDSA Members. Click here to join now! |

By the time you read this, the 2024 Dominica Rendezvous will be well underway. We will rendezvous in Portsmouth, Dominica February 1 – 8 for hikes, tours, barbecues, beach activities, music, and dancing. Dominica is a beautiful island and the P.A.Y.S. guys go all out for the Salty Dawgs.

2024 Exumas Rendezvous
Join us for the Salty Dawg Exumas Rendezvous!!!
Participating Dawgs will gather at the beautiful Staniel Cay Yacht Club on April 26th, sail north along the Exumas, and celebrate a closing event on May 1 at Warderick Wells. This rendezvous extravaganza will include an awesome swag bag, morning yoga classes, daily beach events, and friendly competitions with prizes as you visit amazing sites including Thunderball Grotto, The Aquarium, Rachel's Bubble Bath, and Pipe Creek. All of this in the crystal clear waters of the Exumas in the company of fellow Dawgs.
This Rendezvous is limited to the first 30 boats to register. The cost is $75 per person. Please review the details here and click HERE to register. Remember, space is limited for this event. We will send further details after you register. We look forward to seeing you in the Exumas!
Your Salty Dawg Exumas Rendezvous Team:
Kathy Kubic, Michael Benjamin, Alex Helfand, Diane MacDonald-Mackensie, & Allen Roberts
[email protected]
written by Ronna Benjamin, SV Exodus
We passed right by Montserrat the last time we were in the eastern Caribbean in 2017. It might have been that we were anxious to make our way down the island chain. It might have been that we thought it was too difficult. It might have been we heard about the rolly anchorage or the untenable dinghy dock. For whatever reason, we didn't visit this interesting island with an active volcano, but for months after, we thought that maybe we should have. We were right.
This year, we were determined to visit islands we passed over the last time we were here. With a bit more experience, we realize that sometimes an uncomfortable night of rolling in an anchorage or feeling a little bit out of your comfort zone is worth the benefit of experiencing an interesting new island.
THINGS I LIKE IN MY GALLEY From Kim Corliss, SV La Rive Nord
So, I was chatting with some Gal Dawgs about our galleys one night in Antigua and how it was nice to attend the Salty Dawg Association’s webinars on galley preparations, but some of the concepts presented were a bit beyond the level of boat I sail on. These boats are big, have a fridge or two and a freezer. Some of the suggestions made me giggle – one lady suggested freezing lasagna and cooking it on the crossing! Freezing? Cooking something for an hour when it’s already hot? Not on this boat!
The conversation got me to think about what I really like in my galley. Our galley is pretty small compared to some of the yachts cruising in the Caribbean – we live on a 42’ 2003 monohull. Our boat has a chiller box for a fridge with a new gigantic 6”x16” freezer (installed after my attempt to defrost it in the Bahamas – stupid me!) and minimal storage space for food as things we installed to make the boat ocean-worthy took away most of my storage space.
An Interview with Carolyn Shearlock, Founder The Boat Galley
Diane: So, Carolyn, when did you start The Boat Galley? And what was your vision?
Carolyn: I began it back in 2010, when I was in the process of writing a cookbook for cruisers. There just wasn’t much information about cooking on boats, and I figured I’d write up 10 or 15 tips on things I got asked about frequently when we were cruising.
Diane: Well, it has certainly grown since then! Now, despite the name, you don’t limit yourself to just the galley, do you?
Carolyn: No, not at all. There are plenty of resources for learning how to sail and how to navigate. But there are very few sources for help with the whole “learn to live on a boat” thing – and that is where so many people get tripped up. So we’ve made it our niche.
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