Ocean Class Salty Dawgs 

If you don’t see your name on the Ocean Class Register and think you may qualify.... Click here.

The official SALTY DAWG OCEAN CLASS REGISTER recognizes SDSA Members who have achieved a high level of sailing prowess by completing a non-stop ocean voyage of over 1,400 nautical miles.

Qualification Criteria: If you are a SDSA Member and you, your spouse or other family member have completed a non-stop ocean passage of 1,400 nautical miles or more, you qualify to be recognized on the Ocean Class Register. Qualifying passages may be in a Salty Dawg Rally, in another organized event, or on an independent passage with friends/crew/or as a single-hander. Qualifying vessels must be less than 70 ft. in length.

Last Name (A-G) Last Name (G-O) Last Name (G-Z)
Karl Aavik Kent Greenwald Kimberly Oliver
Kiki Adamson Lain Greig Tracy Oliver
Peter Adamson Loren Grober Christina Olsson
George Aiken Matthew Grober Jan-Olov Olsson
Bob Amis Karl Grunewald Bob Osborn
Dana Anderson Philip Gurlik Barbara Owens
Janice Anderson Jeff Guttman Ted Owens
Kurt Anderson Hugo Hamel Bert (Wally) Parolari
Dean Anninos Peter Harding Chris Parsons
Lauren Anthone Duncan Harris Philip Pennie
Rohan Antony Tim Harris Kenneth Perry
Jessica Arendt Chris Hart Martin Perry
Hilary Armstrong Scott Hathorne Matt Perry
Muna ar-Rushdi Marc Hauptman Philippe Perut
Philip Asherson Michael Hedges Katy Petersen
Brian Aspinwall Paula Hefner Stephan Pfammatter
Elio Baffioni Leif Heimbold Morrie Piersol
Laura Baker Emory Heisler Dale Pokorski
JoElla Barnes Alex Helfand Jay Pokorski
Todd Barr Jeffrey Helms Eric Powers
William Baskin III David Hensley David Price
Kevin Battles Amanda Hill Kurt Prinslow
Mark Baumgartner Greg Hill Bill Pritchard
Amy Beal Jason Hill Wojciech Przybyla
Lee Beckerman Mark Hill Fred Rampey
Dawn Bell Nick Hill Vincent Ratford
Stephen Bell Kim Hindle William Reed
Jeffrey Benagh Lynn Hoenke Kevin Reeds
Michael Benjamin Mark Hoenke Steve Reoch
Ronna Benjamin Frederick Hoffman John Rizzi
Edward Bennett Marek Hojsan John Robbins
Martin Bentham Michael Holt Wolfgang Rohn
Hudson Berrey Jim Holthaus Robert Rohwer
John Bibb Ludwig Hoogstoel Clark Roscher
Roger Bigger Ronald Horton David Ross
Don BILL Devon Howe Andrew Roth
Frederick (Rick) Blake Karl Hoyt Herb Roth
Jeremy Bloxham Arlene Huber Kristin Roth
Ron Boehm Glenn Huber Richard Rowe
Kevin Boland John Huebert Paul Ryan
Mark & Jennifer Bolster Jill Hummel Tim Sander
Ed Bond Daryl Hunt Michael Sanio
Laurie Bond AmyMarie Hutcheson John Scaramuzzo
Gerrit Boonstra Carl & Debi Isbrandtsen Lena Scaramuzzo
Jahnes Booyens Jane Jepson-Beal Jan Scheer
Laurie Bosman Joshua Jeyasingh Michael Scheuerer
Greg Bowles Alan Johnson Casey Schilling
Cory Boyer Maureen Johnson Alex Schmitt
Glenn Boylan Alexander Jomarron Ute Schroeter
Robert Boynton Allen Jones Max Schwartz
Arden Bradley Billy Jones Geoff Searle
Jim Bradley Duncan Jones James Shanahan
Matthew Brennan Ram Kadari Steve Shanck
James (Jim) Brewer Mark Kadonoff Karen Sharpe
Carole Brisson Martin Kerestes Nick Shawyer
Michael Brown Harold Kernodle Kirk Sherrill
Randy Brown David Kissel Mary Sherrill
Steve Brown Don Kneedler James Siedenburg
Keith Bruch Diane Knight Andrew Simonds
Robbyn Bruni Colleen/Peter Kolf Benjamin Simons
Randolph Bryan Jim Kopenhofer Richard Simons
Gary Burch Blair Kopp Tasha Sims
Jeff Burkhart Emma Kopp Dane Skagen
Jackie Busch Holly Kopp Scott Sloan
Bob Butchko Ian Kopp Olivia Smeenk
Jonathan Cain Ed Korn Douglas Smith
Missy Callahan Jill Koster Luke Smith
Jerry Callen Rayford Kruger Richard Soper
Fred Calnan Chris Kubic David Soule
David Card Kathryn Kubic Brian Sousa
Matthew Carlson John Kuhn Heather Sowell
Curtis Carr Michael Lahrkamp Stanley Sowers
Richard Carroll Adam Landa Adam Spiegel
Babs Carryer Jennifer Landa Joseph Spina
Tim Cayward Andre Langevin Charles Springett
Francois Caza Yves Langevin Sue Springett
Ralph Cerretani Sergio "Jo-jo" Lareza David Stein
Patrick Comerford David Largey Timothy Stone
Coy Comontofski Wendy Laurence Brian Stork
Craig Connolly Nikki Layton Beat Strasser
Dan Cook Gregg Leadley Rick Straub
Chuck Corliss Katrin Leadley Stephen Stroud
Kim Corliss Yves Lechasseur Steven Struve
David Cranston Shawn Leonard Teresa Struve
Michele Cruwys Theodore Lepich Kenneth Stuart
James Dalton Cindy Levy Neil Styler
Maureen Danilczyk Jeff Lukowski William Sullivan
David Day David Luskin Charles Tantillo
Nick Deacon Veronica Lysaght Cheryl Taylor
Ross DeGraw Don Mackenzie Chris Taylor
Michael Delage Donald Mackinnon Daniel Taylor
Carol Delfaus Brian Maddox Martin ten Hove
Jose Delfaus Jack Mahoney Maryse Tetrault
Sharon Demarest Diane Mailloux Jon Texter
Christopher Deppen Jeremie Mailloux Russell Thomasson
Joan Dineen John Makar Jay Thompson
David Disbrow Mary Makar Darcy Thomson
Charlie Dixon Shawn Maloney Robert Thomson
Peter Dodge Eric Mandelbaum Paul Thornton
Cynthia Donadio Merrill Mant Herco Tibboel
William Dooley Brad Manter Thomas Toohey
Michael Dow Yolanda Marie Arne Treder
Michael Draper Jeff Marks Richard Trout
Kevin Duffy Richard Marsh Robert Truman
Barry Dwyer Tom Martin Christine Van Drasek
Chris Eggert Joanne Matthews George Van Drasek
Fred Eidt Dennis McAdams Robert Van Trigt
Mark Elgood Matthew McCann Beth VandeGeijn
Ellen Elliott Mary McCarthy-Mann John Van-Schalkwyk
Lee Fairchild Michael McCaughey Stephen Varrow
Robert Farrell Brian McCauley Dimitar Velev
Red Fehrle Edward McElhinny Will Viss
Kevin Ferrie Trisha McElroy Lee Vogtman
David Filipov Patrick McGinn Scott Voorhees
James Fogg Nancy Mcguire Daniel Walker
Norhi Folsom Randy Mcguire Tom Watson
Auguste Fortin Ian McMahon Doug Weibel
Bryan Foulke Richard McMunn Marjorie Weibel
Greg Foy Silvio Meyer Alan Weiner
Daniel Freedman Brock Micklow Bowen Weisheit
Carl Fuchshuber Al Miller Alan Wells
Harry Fugate Brad Miller Hugh Wetherald
Michael Furey Cedric Miller Ian Whitaker
Noel Furniss Pete Miller Joe Wienecke
Steve Gallinger Corbin Mitchell Dennis Wilcoxon
Hartley Gardner Michael Mlsna Dean Wilkening
Meaux Gatto Laura Mlynarczyk Al Wilkinson
Lionel Paul Gaudreau Todd Moler Mark Wilkinson
Matthew Gauthier Mark Mongold Neil Williams
Kevin Giffin Jonathan Moody Gene Wilson
David Gifford Brian Moore Chris Winkel
Stephen Gilbert Katie Moraglia Mark Womble
Matthew Gillman Vernon Mountcastle Tom Wood
Mark Goodwin Marco Muda Bill Woodroffe
Marc Gordon John Muller Maureen Woodroffe
Elizabeth Gowell Earl Mullins Angela Yanagisawa
Catherine Grant Edwin Muth Cheryl Fortin Young
Ted Grant Jonathan Nash John Youngblood
Sandra Gray Paul Nethercott Steve Youngson
Alan Green Mark Nicola James Zessin
Kent Greenwald Gregory Norman Tim Zimmermann
Lain Greig