Salty Dawg Rallies


As a not-for-profit organization operated by volunteers, hosting blue water rallies in the U.S. and Caribbean is our specialty.  Each rally is an opportunity for sailors to cruise-in-company, with the safety, camaraderie, and passage-preparation assistance that only a rally can provide, with minimal requirements and minimal costs.  Meet new friends and re-unite with old ones.  Kids and pets are always welcome.

The Salty Dawg Sailing Association (SDSA) mission is to educate sailors, build camaraderie, and facilitate offshore passages.  Our rally goal is to conduct quality rallies with the flexibility that allows each Captain to make informed decisions, at the lowest cost for all participants, and provide the best possible experience.  We are all about "sailors helping sailors" and connecting experienced sailors with sailors still learning to make a passage.



  • Our rallies are open to all sailors, with some experience requirements.  SDSA Members participate at lower fees.  Non-Member rally fees cover SDSA Membership dues for their first year.
  • Fun, friendships, camaraderie and great social events will give you an introduction to like-minded cruisers who will become life-long friends.

  • Extensive preparation assistance from experienced Salty Dawgs and industry-leading experts.

  • Weather briefings, daily forecasts, and personalized routing guidance from Chris Parker of The Marine Weather Center.

  • Flexibility and an emphasis on supporting the decisions of each individual skipper based on what’s best for his or her boat and crew.

  • Online fleet tracking for friends and families to watch your progress during offshore events….and to better locate you in case of an emergency.

  • Shore side coordination, support and at-sea communications.

  • Discounts and special promotions from our sponsors.  Access to a broad array of SDSA Member-Only benefits.

  • Access to the Salty Dawg Crew Service, to identify potential crew members.

Our goal is to provide high quality events with the greatest possible value at the lowest possible entry fee with minimal requirements – all made possible by the support of over 60 industry-leading sponsors and dozens of experienced cruisers who volunteer their time.

What is a Salty Dawg Rally?

The SDSA definition of a rally is a safe and social passage-making.  There may be some fun competition, but SDSA rallies aren't a race!  SDSA rallies are all about passage-making with friends, new and old; feeling confident and prepared on departure day; having support at sea; and providing a celebration on a successful arrival.


The SDSA knows that undertaking any passage-making can be a daunting prospect, even for seasoned sailors.  Our rally pre-departure schedule is designed to help crews prepare their boats with confidence.  Talking to other Salty Dawgs is a great way to share knowledge and concerns, and to make friends who will become cruising friends for life.

When you join a SDSA rally, you are provided with comprehensive information and advice on how to prepare your boat and crew. 

Your Safety

The SDSA has a Safety Manager working to ensure all sailors will successfully and safely complete the passage.  He takes your safety very seriously.  We maintain a close liaison with the US Coast Guard to ensure all boats in the fleet can be assisted, if required.  

                        SDSA 2025 Rally Schedule



The SDSA Homeward Bound Rally to the US departs the Sint Maarten and Bahamas May 18, weather permitting and is expected to last 7-10 days.


Is exploring the Med on your boat for a season or two on your bucket list? Join us for a rally to Horta on the island of Faial in the Azores, departing from Bermuda on June 1, 2025. Whether you're sailing from the US East Coast (Hampton, VA) or the Caribbean (St Maarten), our feeder rallies promise an exciting start to this epic journey. 



 Join the first SDSA Bermuda Rally departing from Hampton, VA, in May.  Gain offshore miles and cruise in company with veteran Salty Dawgs sailing to Bermuda to join the Azores Rally.


The SDSA Downeast Rally has departure locations from the Chesapeake Bay and Narragansett Bay areas.  The departure is from Hampton in early July and Newport five days later, with final landfall in Maine in mid July. 



Only if there is enough interest, the Salty Dawgs will run its Maritime Rally departing Rockland Maine in mid-July for points in Nova Scotia, including Cape Breton and Bras D’Or Lakes.  Nova Scotia has an attractive sea-bound coast, with quaint fishing villages, numerous isolated coves and historic sites. To express your interest please send an email to [email protected]


The SDSA Caribbean Rally departs the US East Coast on November 1, weather permitting. This rally goes to the Caribbean and the Bahamas. A crossing to Antigua usually takes 10-14 days. The crossing to the Bahamas 7-8 days.



The Salty Dawgs are planning to host the first ever "January Jump" from Florida to the Bahamas in mid January, 2025. This rally is perfect for those who want to stay in the states for the holiday season or will be crossing the Gulf Stream for the first time.  Some may choose to leave their boat in Florida after doing the Caribbean Rally to the Bahamas, instead of heading straight to the Abacos with the fleet.  



As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, the SDSA will continue to explore the best ways to conduct its activities in as safe and enjoyable a manner as possible.  Read More