Homeward Bound Sint Maarten Departure

Plans are well underway in Sint Maarten (the Dutch side) for the departure of the rally fleet, with an anticipated departure on or about May 18th.  The Azores feeder Rally will also depart in company, headed to Bermuda and then the Azores.  

Those boats planning to have work done in Sint Maarten, prior to departure, may want to plan an arrival in advance of the formal activities listed below.   We are working with the IGY marina as well as another marina to provide significant discounts for participants and details on applicable dates and rates will be posted soon.  I am told that there will be adequate space available for the fleet during this period.

There are many services available in the area and you can access these at the Marine Trades Association website. 

Bridges:  In preparation for your arrival be aware that there is considerable traffic entering and exiting the lagoon through the drawbridge.  The bridge opens on a firm schedule with outbound and inbound traffic scheduled for different openings.  To access details on opening times,follow this link.

Security:  Be aware that there have been a number of thefts and unauthorized boardings inn the Simpson Bay Lagoon and you will want to stay apprised of updates to ensure that you are aware of any risks.  Current updates can be accessed at this link.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the events we’re planning! We’re working closely with marinas and event venues, and we’ll have more details for you very soon. Stay tuned!